Serious and even lead to sudden deafness.If you can chew gum or other food pieces


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Wearing headphones listening to music, radio is a lot of people pass the time of entertainment, but in the long ears so very easy to hurt. According to Taiwan Taiwan Television News recently reported that a study found that wearing headphones while listening to music, his mouth chewing something, such as chewing gum can effectively reduce the damage to the ear.Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Ministry of Health, MD, director of otolaryngology otology LIU Dan-dan told Life Times reporter, said, wearing headphones, the ear canal port in the closed state, the headset the sound all concentrated in the ear canal for a long time this will damage the auditory cells, resulting in hearing dysfunction.
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Serious and even lead to sudden deafness.If you can chew gum or other food pieces,you can relieve middle ear and the outside atmospheric pressure The study found that wearing headphones chew, the inner ear to the sound wave pressure measurement will reduce 1-3 dB, the effect can be to protect the tympanic membrane. This take-off and landing aircraft was ear pain, do swallow saliva, yawning etc, and the symptoms will ease is a truth.Huadu Department of Otolaryngology, Director recommends that the bridge, wearing headphones listening to music, not too much volume, preferably not in the subway, bus and other noisy places to listen, to listen to virtually make the volume increase. Every time I heard 30-40 minutes to rest ten minutes, listening to no more than 2 consecutive hours.
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Note that, often with headphones, and if dizziness, earache, ear plug and other symptoms, the magic sound best to stop using the headset, and pay attention to rest, such as tinnitus and severe hearing loss, should seek immediate medical .
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